And So it Begins

October 30, 2006 | Filed under: Uncategorized

Hey everybody, the out on the road phase is in full swing here. Just back from WI with the Winter Dance Party, headed to Nashville with Travis Howard and Chicago with Dennis Tufano. Canada after that for teaching and clinic appearance, then home for a …

Sammy K now at Zildjian!

October 18, 2006 | Filed under: Uncategorized

October 1st 2006-the day I officially became a member of the Zildjian Educational Team. I am honored to be part of the world’s leading cymbal manufacturer, this is something I have wanted to do since I was 12 years old. My new endorsement from Zildjian will allow me to better teach students […]

Brand New Site for Sammy K

October 1, 2006 | Filed under: Uncategorized

So here it is … the all new! Jeff and the team at Forward Media Group really created a wonderful online home for me, and I couldn’t be happier. Please look around and enjoy the site, send me a message if you would like, and I will get back to you. This […]